Saturday, 12 December 2015

Mission: Introduction

Mission objective: Introduce myself to you, my currently non-existent readers

I thought it would probably be a good idea to start this blog off by introducing myself properly, just so you know who is behind the words.

That is me. That night, I managed to stack a total of 15 hats on my head (sadly, I am yet to get that photo from the official photographer). I'm a first year Physics student at the stunning University of Exeter, a wine connoisseur (sounds better than borderline alcoholic) and a professional paper hat balancer (sadly not true).

I'm a vegetarian (though no hate to meat eaters; I go by the motto of eat, don't judge) attempting to eat somewhat healthily, so you'll get the occasional cheap, tasty recipe crop up on here. I'll try and throw in a few meat friendly recipes from my flatmates too, just to spice it up and add a bit of variety.

I've joined a rather ridiculous amount of societies, and so can say I have a wide range of interests. Officially part of PhySoc, BodySoc, PoleSoc, WineSoc (is anyone even surprised?), RAG, Student Volunteers, Women in Business, Entrepreneurs and DebSoc (pending January). Even though it keeps me as busy as a bee, it's so worth it as I've met so many amazing people doing that, and I've tried out so many new things!

I feel like I'm starting to ramble a little bit now, so I'll bring the post to a close here before I bore you all to death! #BleedGreen


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found you through your tumblr blogpost, and I thought I'd check out your page. I', looking forward to what you write!
